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Banbury Rotary Club

People of Action Helping Communities

Community Events

Alan’s Africa: Sponsored Walk -26 Jul 2024

Thanks to Easington Sports FC – June 2024

Crocodile apprehended in Plastic Blitz – 2 June 2024

Rotary Exchange a Success – May 2024

Plastic Blitz Clean-up – 1 June 2024

Children Singing for Children Nov 2024

Exchange Programme 9-12 May 2024

Eradicating Polio – the reality! April 2024

Thanks from Hout Bay – Mar 2024

Sunshine Centre on the One Show 14 Mar 2024

Banbury wins Thames Valley Final – 24 Feb 2024

Crocus and Snowdrops in People’s Park – March 2024

Member Social Events

Rotary President’s Pig Roast- 4 Aug 2024

President’s Evening Fun – 5 Jun 2024

Invitation to members – May 2025

President’s Evening – Wed 5th June.

Invite to Inner Wheel Lunch – 25 May 2024

Exchange Programme 9-12 May 2024

Theatre Comedy Trip – 25 Apr 2024

Parliament visit – 12 March 2024

Other General Recent Posts

Helen Morris funeral – July 2024

Who’s Who 2024?

New Meeting Schedule – Wed 3 June 2024

Presidential Handover – 28 June 2024

Valedictory Speech- 21 Jun 2024

Alan’s Africa – June 2024

New Meetings Schedule – June 2024

Alan’s Africa Report – May 2024

Banbury Larder Opening – 30 April

Exchange Programme 9-12 May 2024

Alan’s Africa Report – April 2024

District Assembly – 27 April 2024

You can view previous posts by clicking here or going to Activities -> All posts in the top menu.

Making a difference to Communities

Rotary is one of the world’s largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.4 million members in 36,000 clubs in over 200 countries.
We have a unique position of being rooted within our own communities, but with a global outlook, ready to tackle challenges at home and abroad.
We are People of Action, ready to turn our ideas and vision into lasting change, by creating opportunities and supporting those who need it most.


Our activities are hugely varied. Much is with schools, charities and other organisations in and around Banbury. Our ‘can-do’ support literally extends from nursery to hospice and everything between!



We also link into the Thames Valley district and national Great Britain and Ireland Rotary networks  offering opportunities to contribute to projects at regional and national level for those who so choose.


We support numerous Banbury based international projects  and regularly engage with other European Rotary Clubs. Additionally we contribute to Global Rotary projects. The key ‘focus areas’ we support are outlined below.

What are the Rotary Focus Areas

Internationally Rotary has traditionally had six areas of focus.

More recently a seventh (The Environment) has been added and so this is an area we’ll need to more explicitly explore as a club. Maybe you could help?

What do you actually do?


Supporting Young People

With the cooperation of local schools, colleges and clubs we offer a wide range of activities for young people – ranging fom support for individuals through to activities with several hundred participants.

Supporting Communities

Members find themselves engaged in a diverse range of projects: canal clear-ups, planting crocuses to brighten up local areas, supporting local food-banks and hands-on establishment of schools in Africa and India.

Supporting Each Other

We believe Rotary works best when it offers members a supportive atmosphere of real friendship. There are frequent member events you can attend or maybe help organise.

What’s the latest?

Collections for Local Charities

We raise money to support local charities – Katharine House hospice,SocialEyes and RVS Dementia amongst others.

Assisting the vaccine roll-out

Ever since the first covid lockdowns Rotary members have helped with the ongoing vaccination roll-outs in Banbury

Young Photographer

We’ve had to cancel events normally engaging several hundred young people but have created alternatives the most recent one being Young Photographer. Get snapping for the 2021/2 competition.


How do I Find out More

Download our leaflet

Click on me

Use the Site Menu

Use the site menu at the top of the page to explore Rotary activities not just at our club but also at District, National and International level.

If you like what you see then get in touch!

Get in touch


Address: Freemasons Hall, Marlborough Road, Banbury OX16 5DB

Existing members can log in to access the member area of the site here.