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President’s Evening Fun – 5 Jun 2024


The food had been eaten – and very tasty it was.   The president, whose period in office draws to a close shortly,  called for order bringing a temporary hush to the lively conversation.

He said he had a few words to say before the entertainment commenced. He then spoke about the importance to the club of those members who – whilst not seeking a high-profile – nonetheless had consistently performed  behind the scenes work without which the club could simply not have functioned as effectively.     Two Rotarians fitting this description  were, much to their surprise, awarded Paul Harris Fellowships. The President also talked about Roger who had fulfilled the role of secretary with great efficiency and panache until health issues had brought this to an abrupt end earlier this Rotary year.   A group were to visit him and present both  honorary membership and a Paul Harris Award.

And so it was that we moved onto the entertainment part of the evening: a mentalist (mind reader) by the name of Stephen Wilkinson.
The mind-reader stepped forward to telling us he was about to astound us by reading our minds – drawing the inevitable cries of “Good luck finding anything there!”
In the event – he did find quite a lot – much to the amazement and amusement of the majority.

Thanks to all who attended and helped make it a a pleasant evening – good food, good company and good fun:  just the stuff to cement those bonds of friendship that enable us to work ‘as one’ to pull off  some great projects –  sometimes against the odds.

(Members will have received a link giving them access to more photos of the event.)





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