This week was Rotary’s 119th Birthday: a good time to recall the importance of the Rotary motto “Service above self” and a cause to celebrate humanity and altruism. Almost 1.4 million Rotary members do their best to work to this motto.
On a very different note, this week was also the 2nd anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: a reminder of what can happen when when humanity gives way to inhumanity Estimates suggest 300,000 dead and injured Russian soldiers and around 30,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers plus 10,000 dead and 20,000 injured Ukranian civilians.
Both the happy and the sad are reflected in the video below where we take a quick look at just some of the recent work of Rotary in war-torn Ukraine.
Additionally Rotary GB&I have provided generators to keep Ukranian hospitals running and Banbury Rotary Club has specifically provided funds for signage to warn people to keep out of areas peppered with Russian landmines. Around 100 people a month are killed by these mines and around a dozen of those are children. Many more are injured.