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Speaker Report: Prabhu Natarajan – 27 Oct 2023

Prabhu said that he and his wife came to England in March 2020 in search of work. His wife is a nurse and found work straightaway whereas Prabhu did not get a job for 12 months. Within a week of arrival, the country was closed down due to Covid. This period gave Prabhu time to think how to help struggling families as regards feeding them and came up with the idea of food parcels. From a modest beginning and subsidising the project from his wife’s’ earning, and small donations, the “Lunch Box Project” has gained momentum. He now reckons he has the support of some 100
businesses. Prabhu’s target is to get 500 hampers for Christmas 2023 which would make the total distributed to 10,000. He has invited all local schools to participate in the project.

Prabhu has a full-time job as a carer at a local nursing home but still does lots of the deliveries personally, often with the help of his 10 year old son. He showed some examples of local and national awards for his efforts coupled with invitations with royalty and the Coronation Concert quite justifiably presented.

It was difficult to believe that Prabhu did not speak English on arrival here but his delivery to the club both in content and clarity was amazing. He is currently giving motivational talks to schools.

Asked as to how the club may help the project, Prabhu said that raising funds is always welcome.

It is challenging in this brief report to do justice to Prabhu’s talk and his engaging personality!


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