The meeting received a presentation on behalf of the Membership and PR Committee reviewing the current state of club membership.
Like many charitable organisations our membership slipped during covid. Despite this we remain significantly larger than most Rotary Clubs and – as well as very full programme of events serving the community – we also have a good collection of social events going forward.
That said – the facts presented show there is much we might still do to improve aspects of diversity in the club including age, gender and ethnicity and that this is likely to be key to our ongoing succcess.
Members can access the full presentation on the members section of the website. You will also have received an email directing you to a follow-up questionnaire relating to membership of the club. Please make time to complete it (~ 10 mins.)
The point was clearly made that the presentation and questionnaire must be the precursor to positive change. We probably need to embrace more flexible arrangements that accommodates the needs both of existing members and friends but also makes us more accessible to newcomers wanting to serve their community but within stringent time constraints.
A subsequent presentation making recommendations based on the questionnaire results and the further work of the membership and PR committee is envisaged.