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First Corporate Members welcomed – 12 Jul 2024


Rotary has traditionally had strong ties with business but membership has always been that of individuals.

Banbury Rotary Club has taken the step of introducing corporate membership whereby organisations can become club members by putting forward up to 4 employees as members.

There are no restrictions on the size or nature of the organisation. The criterion is basically that the company or sole-trader is of good repute and seeks to  help the local community by assisting with some of the many community and environmental projects that Banbury Rotary Club runs.  The employees who become members will sign-up to the usual rules of Rotary.

On July 12th we welcomed our first 4 members to the club under this scheme with more in the pipeline. There has been strong interest with a number of SMEs seeing it as a cost-effective way to both engage in local networking and at the same time raise their corporate social responsibility profile by tapping into the existing highly organised structure of Rotary which has around 1.4million members in 35000 clubs across 220 countries!

The club has recently changed it’s meeting schedule better to accommodate those who can only make evening business meetings. (Most of our events are during evenings or weekends.)

If you are interested in finding out more about our corporate package email and we’ll be back  in touch.





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