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Donations to Charities – Dec 2023

In December we mentioned the distribution of £5000 in the form of food vouchers to Banbury people in need
Additonally, thanks to the generosity of the people of Banbury in their contributions to our Christmas collections , we have donated another £1500 to various Banbury food banks AND also £500 to each of

Katharine House Hospice

RVS Dementia

Social Eyes

Banbury Rotary Club – working hard to serve our community. Although we have over 50 members we have such a full calendar of activities that we’re always looking for new active people to join. Your gender, ethnicity, job or religion is of no relevance to us but if you’re the sort of person who likes to support your community and get things done – we’d love to talk to you! Speak to a Rotary member or contact us through the website.

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