Ruth Rogers explains the genius puppetry behind War Horse, bringing ‘Joey’ to life!
Saturday 20th October
6.45 for 7.00 pm
Tudor Hall School , Wykham Park, Banbury OX16 9UR
Ruth Rogers is an actress and puppeteer whose notable performances include operating Joey’s Head in War Horse in the West End. Her fascinating talk includes an account of the auditions and rehearsals, a detailed look at how the War Horse puppets work and tips on how to perform as a horse.
Ruth is the Artistic Director of The Canvas in East London, a cafe and arts space that hosts workshops, live arts events and ongoing debates. She is also the founder of the Body Gossip arts and education campaign and produces all of their theatre shows and short films.
Funds raised by the evening will go to support:
- The Alzheimers Society
- Katharine House Hospice
- The Rotary Foundation