- At 6:00pm for 6:30 on Tues December 3rd at the Freemason Hall. the next meeting is a club social- although not formally a Christmas event - bring partners and friends.
- At 3:00 pm on Sun Dec 8th at Marlborough Rd Methodist Church is the Annual Service Clubs Carol Service..
- At 6:00pm to 9:00pm from Dec12th to Dec 15th at Westminster Security is a Christmas Lights Trail for the family to enjoy.(Non-members welcome -suggested donation £5)
- At 12:30 for 1:00pm on Fri 13th Dec at the Freemason Hall is the Rotary Christmas Lunch. (Booking from 5th Dec) The final meeting at the Freemason Hall.
- At 1:00pm on Sat 14th Dec at Banbury Cricket Club a Lunch will be available where "Father Christmas" will be there for the children: prebook via BCC ( info@thepavilionbanbury.co.uk )
- At 12:30 for 1:00 on Fri 20th December at Banbury Cricket Club - the final fellowship meeting of the year.
- From 6:00pm on 20th Dec at at Banbury Cricket Club - music evening with Holly Perkins. ( info@thepavilionbanbury.co.uk )
- No Club Meetings from 21 Dec to Jan 7th
- At 6:00 for 6:30 at Banbury Cricket Club Rotary Social Meeting - bring partners and friends.