Westminster Security create a magical Christmas Light Trail  to raise money for Banbury Rotary Club and The Wesrtminster Foundation.
You can download a leaflet by clicking here.

Come and Join the Fun!

Westminister Security is an company based in Banbury serving the international market in security.
It is also one of a number of businesses that has taken up corporate membership of Banbury Rotary Club and as such it is putting on a Christmas Lights Trail to raise monies for charities.
Some of the cash will be go to The Rotary Club of Banbury who support a wide range of good causes mostly local but also UK and international.
The rest will go to The Westminster Foundation that supports a number of charities including Banbury Samaritans.
The trail is open to all for some  family fun from 6pm - 9pm each evening Thursday 12th Dec - Sunday 15 Dec
The suggested donation is £5 per person.
  • Light Trail
  • Hot Drinks & Food Stall
  • Children’s Christmas Quest
  • Well behaved dogs on leads welcome
  • Sturdy footwear advised
  • All funds raised go to charity

To buy advance tickets use this link:


If you would like to make a donation use this link:
