Rotary support British Legion Poppy Collections.
Members also assisted the Town Council with the Remembrance Sunday town parades and wreath laying.
As usual The Rotary Clubs of Banbury have supported the British Legion Poppy Appeal.
The Banbury Club put in around 100 hours at the Sainsbury Poppy sales point.
It was heartening to see the generosity of the people of Banbury the majority of whom freely donated despite the ongoing cost of living issues.
Thanks to all who both sold and bought poppies.
We'll come back to you with the Banbury Collection total when we finally know it.
Members also helped out with marshalling the town remembrance event and wreath laying.
Shown at the top of the page are three current Rotary members along with honorary member Eric who joined Rotary in 1981 and - despite his good looks and sprightly appearance - is now well into his nineties!
Clear evidence that Rotary keeps you young - so - best think about joining: we are always looking for active people who like to get things done!