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Young Photographer

This competition should preferably be entered through schools or youth clubs although entries can be submitted direct to the address at the bottom of this page.

Entries will be required as prints on photographic paper. (If you can’t do this at home it can be done, at stores such as Tesco or through various online photographic shops.)

The winning photo for each age group will also be required in a digital format to go forward to the district and national finals. (You can read the full Rules’ here.)

1. Schools or clubs should register an interest by:

You can register in less than a minute by completing the online form here

2. Young people can submit their application forms and photographs preferably

via the school or club or direct to the address below.


3. Winning photos in each age group will be submitted on to the district competition by


4.Winners of the district finals will be submitted on to the national competition by



Each entry will consist of

  • A properly completed application form including a parent or guardian signature and contact details
  • Three different prints of photos on the theme of ‘wild nature’
  • A brief statement about each photo making clear how it relates to the theme.

Entries (photographic prints, statements and an application form) should be sent to: Tim Bryce, 49 Spencer Court, Britannia Road, Banbury. OX16 5EZ.

Thankyou for your interest. 🙂