Dementia Active, Oxfordshire.
Dementia Active was established about 18months ago by Andrew Gill, CEO / Treasurer and was subsequently joined by Melissa Fazackerley to carry the project forward. They both attended our Friday meeting on 26th November to give a presentation about the work they do and their progress since inception.
In recent times, particularly since Covid, many of the support groups for dementia sufferers have ceased to exist, hence the formation of this project. The aim is twofold. First, to give sufferers a safe and relaxing place to attend, while taking part in a variety of activities to entertain and stimulate creativity. Secondly, to enable carers to have time to them-selves, knowing their family member is in a safe and caring environment.
Sessions are held in Banbury, Bicester and Aynho. Melissa told us about two exciting developments. They have just been granted charity status and recently secured new, larger premises for their Banbury Centre in Bridge Street.
They rely on volunteers to help run all their sessions and are sending out a plea for more volunteers to help them expand their services to more people. If you feel you would like to get involved have a look at their website ‘’, where you will find more information and how to make contact.