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Warriner Practice Interviews 2017

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The final part of the Practice Interview Programme (PIP) conducted by Club this year was concluded on Wednesdays 5th July when 5 students from the Warriner School were interviewed for a second time as part of the competition to find the student who most impressed.  All 5 students were worthy of their second interview, and each performed well.

In the end the 3 interviewers (Ashley and Rosemary Bedding, and Nigel Randall) easily agreed that Bethany Parish came across as the most impressive student, mainly because she showed that she was able to take full part in her school education whilst following her love of both stage and technical aspects of the theatre in school and AmDram productions, girl guiding and maintaining a social life whilst at the same time juggling her complex young carer duties for her single mum (who had mental and physical difficulties) and younger brother. In addition, she was already discussing with Oxford Brookes how she could study for a future career in the theatre whilst fulfilling her carer responsibilities. It was a very humbling experience speaking to her, more especially as she was only 15 years old.

My thanks go to all Rotarians and Friends of Club who volunteer to conduct the PIP interviews at BGN and the Warriner each year, and without whom this scheme would not be possible.  Older Club members may recall that the late Rotarian John Meeres imported PIP from his previous Club ‘up North’ over 12 years ago. Below is a recent email from the Careers Leader at the Warriner that will hopefully endorse why the programme remains so important:


I would like to formally thank you and your colleagues for your valuable contribution to the careers education of our new Year 11 students. The interviews are the final careers activity of the year, following work experience and an enrichment day, and I have received a resounding positive feedback from all students which I would like to pass on to you. 

Students commented that your team made them feel at ease and that they have developed a greater understanding about the purpose of an interview. This education is invaluable in terms of developing the confidence of young people to progress in the big wide world. Many students admitted to feeling very proud of themselves at have conducted themselves well and really appreciated the verbal and written feedback that was sensitively given. The certificates were well received and I don’t think we should underestimate their value either as there was a palpable sense of pride as students received them.

I framed the certificates for the finalists and these students gained a lot of respect from their peers who were pleasantly surprised that it was not ‘the expected’ finalists and that the ultimate winner was perhaps in their eyes now someone who has risen significantly in the whole school’s estimation.  Bethany burst in to tears when accepting the news she had won and if you and your colleagues look on the Warriner Facebook page for will see (as well as pictures) that the comments from her relatives are a pleasure to read. Her personal confidence will no doubt have received a significant boost. She no doubt has a fantastic future awaiting her.

Finally, my apologies for the Mock exams inconvenience: no one was more disappointed than myself at the problems it caused but thank you for the flexibility and patience demonstrated by your magnificent team. Your work is much appreciated by students, the wider Warriner community and myself. 

Yours sincerely, Nigel Smith, Careers Leader