Friday 13th was not unlucky for Rotarians attending lunch as we had a speaker who was both interesting and informative.
Wendy Biddington, the Vicar at St Mary’s Church Wellesbourne spoke about the new Green Pastures Christian Nursing Home project, of which she is a Director.
The new home aims to provide a home for the existing 30 residents and to provide an additional 30 beds; thus providing 40 dementia care and 20 nursing care units in the Holly House site on the corner of Bath Rd. and Park Rd. in a three story building in keeping with the Victorian architecture.
The cost will be £4.5 – 5.0 million pounds!
Planning permission has already been granted. Builders are working on details of the design and it is hoped to start work in October this year, with completion by November 2015.
Discussions are taking place with Commercial agents regarding the disposal of the current site.
It was interesting to hear that some 7,000 people in Banbury are over 65. Statistically one third of these will suffer from dementia and will need help.
Wendy gave us an outline of the proposed premise which will include a kitchenette, café area “wheel garden” a relatives room and a car park. There will be 8 care assistants on duty.
Wendy told us that they are looking for volunteers in various capacities. They need donations and fund raisers including legacies. She also asked that we might pray for the success of the project, which is quite a large undertaking.
Tony Wiltshire